Our Six Pillars

The Alliance is a global collaborative platform that works across six core pillars of activities


The Alliance strengthens and promotes the evidence base for action and advances the science on war, conflict and health through promotion of members’ publications, convening conferences, issuing rigorously-reviewed evidence-based reports, and arranging special issues with partner journals.


The Alliance provides global leadership on war, conflict and health through the totality of its activities, through representing and promoting a strong collective voice, through specific attention to developing and mentoring leaders, through participating in high-level global events, and through setting direction and advancing an inspiring vision.   

Advocacy & Diplomacy

Use various knowledge translation tools and draw on trusted professionals and organisations from diverse disciplines and sectors, to improve the understanding of war/conflict, peace and health issues among the general public, politicians, media and other constituencies, and shift the general threshold of tolerance, such that war and conflicts are considered unacceptable, unnecessary and avoidable. Engage in high-level diplomacy, and push for stronger action at the local as well as the global levels.

Networking, Collaboration & Partnerships

Promote networking, collaboration & partnerships on an equitable basis to ensure that affected communities, researchers, and advocates, particularly in the Global South, have a strong voice.

Capacity Building and Sharing

Conduct or facilitate activities such as workshops, short courses, webinars and MOOC courses and develop a compendium of institutional and educational resources in thematic and technical areas of identified need, that address training and professional development needs of people and institutions in affected low and low and middle income countries.

Witnessing & Learning

Through special working groups and unbiased reports based on sound methodology, the Alliance provides a witnessing function on how local, regional and global actors respond to needs of communities affected by conflict and learns the lessons for future conflicts, including in relation to conflict prevention and sustainable and just peace building.