Our history
From a thought bubble in Beirut to assembling an expert Steering Group in London
In June 2018, the Lancet–AUB Commission on Syria convened an expert strategic planning meeting at AUB to take stock of the field of war, conflict and health; identify critical gaps and key priorities; and outline a way forward. Convening over 20 local, regional and international experts, the meeting culminated in a commitment by participants to launch a global collaborative platform on conflict and health.
Participants in the Expert Strategic Meeting Planning Meeting at AUB
Over the following year, extensive further discussions took place with a broad network of experts from across the world, and a Steering Group was assembled. Steering Group members convened face-to-face for the first time at a meeting hosted by the Center for Global Health at Queen Mary University of London in June 2019 in the presence of Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet. This meeting initiated the process of formally establishing a new collaborative entity, the Global Alliance on War, Conflict and Health.
Steering Group members, inaugural meeting at Queen Mary University of London, June 2019. L-R: Prof Rita Giacaman, Prof Pierre Perrin, Prof Sameen Siddiqi, Prof Paul Spiegel, Prof Richard Horton, Prof Richard Sullivan, Prof Samer Jabbour, Prof Amy Hagopian, Prof Leonard Rubenstein, Dr Marian Abouzeid, Ms Gina Cordahi, Ms. Marion Birch, Prof David McCoy, Dr Carlos Umana (guest), Dr Jonathan Kennedy (guest).
Expert consultations across the globe
To ensure an inclusive, participatory approach, a number of global, regional and national consultations were convened with the following objectives:
Present the initiative, explain its background, and gauge interest
Seek input into refining the mandate, scope, priorities, and program of work of the Alliance
Review key local and regional needs
Discuss ways in which interested individuals, institutions and organizations can engage with the Alliance
Ensure that the Global South has a strong voice in shaping the Alliance
Consultations engaged a range of individuals including academics, researchers, advocates, humanitarian practitioners, as well as organizations such as academic institutions, UN agencies, humanitarian organizations, and civil society organizations.
Global expert community consultations conducted to date: