Royal College of Surgeons
Webinar Series:
Surgical Voices from the Global South
Register for the next webinar in the series:
Yemen: war wounds are not the only surgical challenge
Registration - Jul 25, 2023
Visit the Royal College of Surgeons website to register for upcoming webinars and to view previous ones.
We are excited to announce the upcoming Conference on Medical Humanitarianism and Global Health, taking place on 11 September 2023 at the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), University of Manchester. The conference aims to explore the dynamic crossroads in the field of medical humanitarianism and global health, addressing critical issues and emerging trends that shape healthcare delivery in challenging contexts.
We invite you to submit your abstracts to contribute to the conference discussions and share your insights. The conference theme, "NavigatingCrossroads: Advancements and Challenges in Medical Humanitarianism and Global Health," encapsulates the multifaceted nature of the field, and we encourage submissions that critically engage with the following panel streams:
1. Humanitarian Healthcare and Technical Innovation
2. Strengthening Global Healthcare Systems
3. Ethical Decision Making in Humanitarian Healthcare
· Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 21 July 2023
· Notification of Acceptance: Friday, 28 July 2023
· Registration (£30 academic/£20 PGR or those on precarious contracts). Deadline: Friday, 1 September 2023
· Conference Date: Monday, 11 September (all day), University of Manchester
To submit your abstract and learn more about the conference, please visit the conference page: