Upcoming Events
A Virtual Webinar on
Explosive Events in Urban Areas
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Dr. Iain Overton and Mr. Jake Tacchi will discuss the global impact of explosive weapons on civilian populations, with a focus on a decade of harm, patterns and predictions and an overview of explosive weapon use in the war in Ukraine. Additionally, they will discuss the impact of poor explosive material storage and the reverberating effects of major blasts in urban areas.
When: April 13, 2023, 15:00 to 16:00 BST (7:00 to 8:00 PST / 10:00 to 11:00 EST)
Speakers: Dr. Iain Overton & Mr. Jake Tacchi
Dr. Iain Overton is the Executive Director of Action on Armed Violence. Having researched armed violence in over two dozen conflicts, he has been a member of an expert working group on explosive weapons for the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, sits on the advisory committee to the UK's All Party Parliamentary Group on Explosive Weapons, and is an expert member of the Forum of the Arms Trade. He also sits on the Advisory Board for the NIHR Global Health Research Group on Post Conflict Trauma; PrOTeCT at Imperial College London. He is on the board of the charity Every Casualty. He is a visiting academic at the University of Southampton with the International Blast Injury Research Network. He holds a PhD from the University of Portsmouth for his writing on guns and suicide bombings.
Mr. Jake Tacchi is an investigative journalist working with the BBC World Service. Previously, he worked with Action on Armed Violence as a Conflict Researcher exploring the impacts of explosive violence in populated areas. With AOAV, he carried out research projects in Ukraine and Lebanon which focused on the reverberating effects of explosive incidents.
Moderator: Dr. Samar Al-Hajj
Dr. Samar Al-Hajj is director of the MENA Program on Advanced Injury Research at the American University of Beirut
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite here.
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2023 GAWCH Webinar Series
2023 Webinar Series
The Global Alliance on War, Conflict, and Health (GAWCH) is pleased to announce the launch of its webinar series. The series aims to create awareness and call attention to current hot topics in war and health around the world. Webinar speakers will bring news from their recent work, including the causes and actors in the conflicts, the role of relief work, the human health toll of conflict, on-site epidemiological research, and much more.
Series Description
The 2023 webinar series will consist of bimonthly sessions focusing on some of the most pressing issues facing global neighbors living in, affected by, and arising from war and conflict.
Session 1: Explosive Events in Urban Areas.
When: April 13, 2023
Speakers: Dr. Iain Overton & Mr. Jake Tacchi
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite here.
Session 2: MedGlobal medical and humanitarian assistance in war-torn Ukraine and Northern Syria
When: May 18, 2023
Speakers: Dr. Sahloul, Dr. Bucierka, Dr. Ahmed, and Dr. Gallagher
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite (TBD)
Session 3: A visual analysis of war images and films with a participant exercise
When: July 13, 2023
Speakers: Ms. Anlan Cheney
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite (TBD)
Session 4: The "Forever Wars" that Never Ended: American Military Operations in Africa
When: September 21, 2023, 10:00 Eastern Time
Speaker: Mr. Nick Turse
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite (TBD)
Session 5: Seeking health justice in the Marshall Islands; the long legacy of nuclear bomb testing.
When: November 9, 2023
Speakers: Representatives from the Marshallese community
Where: Online
Register on Eventbrite (TBD)
Past & Future Events
Alliance Launch Event 2022
The Alliance was launched on July 1, 2022, via an online event.
If you were not able to attend, you can watch the proceedings here
Global Conference on War, Conflict and Health 2025
Exact Date TBD
The Alliance will convene a biennial ‘Global Conference on War, Conflict and Health’ with the key objectives of bringing together diverse participants and facilitating the creation of a community of practice, sharing of knowledge and experiences, advancing scholarship, and bridging the research-policy-practice nexus.
Global Status Report on War, Conflict and Health 2025
Exact Date TBD
The alliance will publish a biennial report of the Global Status on War, Conflict and Health.