Global Alliance on War, Conflict & Health
The Global Alliance on War, Conflict and Health (GAWCH) works to meet the need for a global collaborative platform. This platform:
1) addresses the full spectrum of issues regarding war, conflict and health;
2) has a broad, multi-disciplinary and multisectoral constituency;
3) brings together existing siloed functions and entities working in this field, and
4) provides a voice to scholars in the global south and young professionals.
GAWCH is a global community aiming to strengthen action on war and conflict which it sees as threats to health. It strives to uphold justice and accountability as the foundations for peace and health. It brings together researchers, academics, practitioners and advocates who work to:
prevent war and promote sustainable peace;
mitigate the effects of war and conflict on health;
and support health rebuilding during and after conflict.
Through research, collaboration, capacity building/sharing and advocacy, the Alliance seeks to advance this field of scholarship and practice, provide leadership, promote equitable partnerships, and amplify the voice of those most affected by war and conflict.
For more information, please have a look at our Guiding Principles, What We Do, About Us, and Member Institutions.